To the hopeful

Hey. How have you been doing? I know the past months have been something for the books. You’ve opened up, yes. You’ve given yourself a chance. But then, there’s always this one thing that makes you pull back, step back, and return to where you started. You know what? It’s absolutely okay! They say that…

To the person I disappointed

I’m sorry that you feel betrayed. I’m sorry for betraying your confidence and trust. It happened because you needed a nudge; you needed someone to push you towards the path that will help you unload some of those bad stuff that you have been keeping in your heart. You needed this to happen; maybe you…

To the gentlemen

Do you guys still exist? Or you are such a rare breed nowadays that waiting for you to arrive or searching for you is such a challenge? Or is feminism pushing you back thinking that women no longer appreciate being treated as queens; not princesses or queens who wait for their princes or kings to…

To the friend you want to drink more tea/coffee with

We seriously need more tea time. Scheduling it won’t do the trick. As it has been tested, unscheduled meet ups or get togethers are the best! An hour will never be enough for us to talk about all the these things: – what has happened to us in the past week; – recent updates in…

To my Future and Forever

It may come as a surprise to you (well, maybe not) that I have taken years to build up this wall that surrounds me. I know for sure I have told you stories too many times, why, how and when I started piling up sand, gravel and cement for these walls. The strong facade has…